well she's been getting really emo and grumpy of late due to stress at work, hope that she relax abit and grow up! stop acting like a child under certain situations! sometimes she makes me think that I'm way older and more matured than her due to her short temper, emo-ness, and lack of common sense SWT...
and her constant nagging!!!
and her random bear hugs @@" behtahan~
urgh, that's a bit too tight mom X(
Despite those annoying things that she does,
I still know she loves me very much.
always gets me anything I ask for since I was a little boy.
I wan to eat mentos, she bought me and let me eat until I kena asthma.
I wanted a bicycle upgrade when I was still a kid riding the three-wheelies, she went and bought me the bestest bike available.
I wan a pair of jogging shoes, she went and bought me the best and most expensive pair.
I wan phone she went and and got me one immediately.
and those bearhugs! yes they annoy me but I still like them =D I think I grew up becoming a cuddly guy is all because of my cuddly mommy lol
she not that good in showing her feelings, so she does it her own way for showing her love to me, and yes after so many years being her son I do get what she wants to express although sometimes she does it so damn weirdly swt
and ANNOYING! oh it's that word again XD
But she's turning 55 today~
can take out all her EPF to enjoy life edy lol
wish her a happy, and I really mean HAPPY days in the coming years... no more emo-ness and no more nagging me -.-
and share me some of her EPF money~ lalala XD
Happy Birthday mommy, I love you
cute mommy =D
good la got mommy treat you so good buy whatever you want. spoilt son. boo.
cuddly person - ciu you never cuddle me la ehehehehe.
oh happy birthday ar auntie! :D
my mom wan to buy me those things i oso cannot do anything de ma... =\
and if u dare say i never cuddle u then u seriously have sucky memory -___-"
ehehehe now recall back... got le ehehehehe. :p
aiyo you also now I have serious memory problem de la wuwuwu...
ehehehehe your head *slaps*
can dun so old ma u, not yet turn 22 edy got suckky memory.. especially those precious moments oso dun wan remember haiz sam tam jor T^T
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