Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pasar pagi

This morning I went to the wet market aka. pasar in Sri Rampai.
Sri Rampai is the area where I spent most of my childhood living in, and this particular pasar pagi I used to visit every sunday when I was a kid together with my mom and dad for buying groceries.

Today it so happens that grandma who stays there ordered us (LOL ordered XD) to go her place to drink some 药材汤 she prepared for us.
So we went there, had breakfast nearby grandma's house eating my favorite 猪肉丸粉.
Then after breakfast we went to the pasar, to buy some vege and some stuffs for cooking.

I think, it has been like at least 6 to 10 years since I last went to this pasar edy =\

But one visit to this place which used to be so familiar to me, and hasn't changed a bit which I realised after been there once again today, that it occurred to me that how how how I missed my childhood T.T~

And here's how it looks like

Beautiful isn't it? how there's elderly people on bicycles with baskets of groceries =)

It's just a one straight line of a street the pasar, with those trees hovering above it which I love so much~

Here's a vege seller store.
When I was a little boy, and I really mean a LITTLE 7, 8 year old boy, I used to curi those long beans they sell to use as playthings XD
You know, long beans are stacked together in one whole big bunch, and when I was a short lil boy I could barely show my head above the table they put their vege on. So I used to just pulled one long strand of the long beans when the seller isn't looking, and that single strand of long bean I would used as a "whip" or just something to spin around while I was following my parents boringly around the pasar... =D

Ah Pak who sells us fresh nice 白鲳, but he's a little discriminative cause he sells those bad, not-so-fresh stock only to the Malays, not to Chinese =\
I like him tho XD

Dad and sis walking in front of me

Dad choosing vege =D

Stuffs I don't particularly like to eat =(

Chicken Shop~
bought 4 pieces of chicken thigh+drumstick

Hoodie mom who's half vampire and would melt under direct sunlight -_-"
she really hates the sun swt

another sad looking bunch of 白鲳 laying on the ground... "plz dun eat miii... T.T" - fishies


Lastly~ The forbidden secret area of any Pasar~~~

The Pork Store XD
It is located in the back alley, where it can't be seen by people walking on the main street. People need to travel through a secret route to reach it, hence it's the most exclusive store of the whole pasar~

Dad choosing some yummy daging babi =P

I think it's ribs and.. liver.. I guess XD

He's sharpening the giant knife.. the scraping noise so nice BUAHAHAHA *crazy killer laugh XD*

Look at the uncle with the apron on, there's many of them on the street so cute =D

Walking back after finished buying all needed stuffs~

I love this place so much~ =)


Btw I have a new handphone, and this blog entry shows why I had craved for a phone with a good camera for a long long time...
My previous HTC was hopeless in terms of taking pics, but now I have my new phone with its capable camera, I can take down images I encounter in my everyday life without needing to worry about the pics coming out like shit ^^

That's all for today, more about my new phone on my next post~


Sean N said...

then u must be 絕世好老公 lah~
ur honey no need to go pasar any more...

Bryan said...

what does that have to do with this leh? @@" i dun get it~